Leipziger Str. 57/58
10117 Berlin, Germany
T +49 (0)30-40504953
Opening hours
Wed–Sat 12 am–6 pm
Please note that the gallery will remain closed for renovations over July and August.
Silvia Bonsiepe
Sebastian Klemm
Marta Santi
Managing Director
Marie-Luise Mayer
Editorial work
Klemm’s is part of International Galleries Alliance (I.G.A.).
The gallery does not accept unsolicited submissions.
Sebastian Klemm and Silvia Bonsiepe founded Klemm’s as a gallery for contemporary art in November 2007. They represent artists from different generations, cultural backgrounds and media whose work is linked by a shared interest in the transformation of experienced reality and who engage with social realities in combination with an aesthetic consciousness.
It is important for Klemm’s to support and accompany the artists through the early stages of their development and steadily foster their development and careers in a progressive international context. In conceiving the program, it is essential for them to offer the artists a platform that allows their conceptual approaches to unfold individually and also to reflect upon and enhance each other. In the years from 2010 the gallery strengthened its interest into conceptual painting, as well as installation and performative work adding to its initial focus on conceptual photography.
Alongside solo exhibitions of represented artists, Klemm’s hosts carte-blanche projects by invited curators, artist-curated exhibitions and regular film screenings or artist talks. In an effort to promote and deepen the critical dialogue about the development of artistic expression, Klemm’s works closely with the artists to actively document their projects and new work with unique publications and artists’ books.