Viktoria Binschtok, Gwenneth Boelens, Peggy Buth, Ulrich Gebert, Falk Haberkorn, Sven Johne, Alexej Meschtschanow, Émilie Pitoiset, Renaud Regnery, Adrian SauerKitchen Talk
The exhibition was conceived in close collaboration with the artists. However, it is not a ‘curated’ exhibition in a classical sense. The title derives from the idea that in a kitchen one talks about concepts and ideas that one may or may not implement or are not yet completely defined; it revolves more about the act of conceiving and background information and not necessarily about a binding concept.
This atmosphere is reflected in the contributions and their presentation in the exhibition: the works shown here are models, ideas, sketches or in other way presets to other, upcoming works.
Some are appear to be ephemeral and sketchy, other already points to a new body of work and maintains itself in the respective context. It is the aim to put light on artistic practice and the ‘cosmos’ around a work, i.e. to visualize the ‘first 5 minutes of thought’, when the first idea for a new project comes up, to capture the moment between spontaneity and the existing structures/routines in the working process of an artist.
There are site-specific, installation type works, which have been especially produced for the exhibition, next to all the artist books, publications, texts, and written material but also filmic work that has been produced in the last years.